
The essay on Elite mobilities focuses on the meaning of spaces to the elite. How does space reflect their wealth, and how is privilege visualized in our society? Everything in movies is exaggerated; the wealthy are even more wealthy, and the poor seem to be suffering even more from their lack of money. Disney has a way of confirming any ideas people already have of wealth (the conceived space) with an embellished representation of the perceived space. Space is always created in the eye of the beholder. Lees verder

Elite mobilities: introduction

The essay of Elite mobilities focuses on how tourism (re)organizes inequalities and privileges. A movie could be seen as a trip for the mind: you see the movie and get sucked into that time and place. Therefore, a movie could also be seen as a type of thirdspace, the place where everything comes together. Movies such as Disney films, are presented to young children all over the world and shape them as a person. They set values, expectations, … because often Disney princesses and other characters are viewed upon as role models. I wondered how classes of society, if there are any, were portrayed in Disney movies. Lees verder